The Growatt solar generator series is one of the most flexible and innovative tools you can add to your garage today. From taking it on the road for a camping excursion, all the way to relying on the generator for a whole off-grid lifestyle.
By pairing a top-of-the-line portable power station with an efficient set of solar panels, the Growatt solar generators bring accessible power to every work site and home you head to. Infinite green energy comes directly to you when the power goes out or there is no option to plug in.
These are highly portable and sustainable sources of clean and renewable energy that deliver power in the blink of an eye. The question is less about what you can do with them, and much more about how they will make your life much more comfortable, without a worry about reliable energy ever again.
Camping and Outdoor Activities
A weekend camping trip often requires an immense amount of power, which is why so many campgrounds offer the ability to plug in and draw as much energy as you want from the grid. A solar generator opens up your world so you can start camping anywhere you want. There’s no need to pay anyone for a plug ever again.
The VITA 550 solar generator is the perfect, compact size for camping or for any outdoor activities. It’s sized so you can easily carry it around a site, bringing power to every corner of the campground. The size itself doesn’t sacrifice a bit of efficiency, as you still get a 538Wh capacity and a 600W output, enough to run all of your small devices. Plus, the 11 different outlets allow you to charge everyone’s devices all at once, so you’re never waiting for a spot.
The VITA 550 also works perfectly for a long day spent out fishing or just relaxing with friends. You can plug in and forget about your battery draining as you turn up your favorite music to make the day even more enjoyable. Don’t forget to plug your drone in and charge up so you can get a stunning view of your equally stunning day.

Emergency Preparedness
When disasters hit, the first thing to go is often your power. A power outage is also exactly when you need a reliable source of energy that will fuel your emergency radios, lights, and tools that can help you get through any emergency.
Keeping something like the INFINITY 1300 charged and on hand takes little effort, but pays off greatly when you need it most. There are 14 different outlets that will let you charge your phone, power the radio, provide power for a light, power a water filter pump, and do so much more all at once.
The INFINITY 1300 solar generator will be there to help you power your way through any emergency, no matter how long it persists. You can easily get power and continue to charge up so long as you have the sun.
No matter what emergency comes into play, you can be ready with the right solar powered generator to see it through to the very end without ever having to worry about losing power.
Remote Work and Digital Nomadism
Both the INFINITY 1300 and the INFINITY 1500 were designed to help those working on the go get their work done without any worry of ever losing power, even with those that have chosen van life. With the increasing numbers of remote workers and digital nomads, the demand for a reliable source of power is increasing right there with it.
The remote work lifestyle can be highly consumptive of energy. Your laptop runs from the moment you start the work day until you call it quits. Even then, you might want to pull it back out to watch a movie with whatever view you have on that particular week as a backdrop. Additionally, more and more people are relying on Wifi hotspots that need a constant stream of power to provide steady internet for the long meetings that most remote work comes along with.
The 2000W solar generator comes in as the most powerful option that Growatt has to offer. It can easily power all of your devices while recharging throughout the day. You never lose power, and there’s never a moment of a meeting that’s missed because of a power loss.

Off-grid Living
The 2000W solar generator can also be the perfect match for those who are choosing to live an unconventional lifestyle, fully off-grid. Without a grid to plug into, you are left with the option of going without power, or bringing your own. A solar powered generator is the perfect fit for those who don’t want to unplug entirely, but still won’t be tied down by traditional cities and ways of life.
With 2000W of output and a 1512Wh capacity, there’s basically nothing you can’t get done with this on hand. For the larger projects on a homestead, you can be ready with the power you need to get it completed and move on to the next task.
Portable Power for Events and Construction Sites
Any time you throw a party, you know that there’s someone who will ask to charge their phone, you’ll have to find several outlets to power the cooler, TV, speakers, and lights that bring the party to life.
Bringing along a portable solar generator like the INFINITY 1500 means you have a massive amount of power ready to take on any task imaginable. The party never falters with a glitch in the TV as the most important moment of the sports game comes into play.
On a construction site, the same rule applies. You can’t lose power when something important is about to happen. You need to know that you have the power right when you need it, without any exception. Bringing that portable solar power generator along means you can have power there and ready to work for you at any moment.
UPS Feature for Key Devices
When power cuts off, many key devices can shut down and lose essential information or take ages to reboot, leaving you completely on your own.
With uninterruptible power supply (UPS) feature built into every solar generator that Growatt offers, you never need to worry about losing important work or having an important piece of equipment shut down without a reliable backup on hand.
By constantly providing energy security, Growatt helps to keep everything up and running the way it was designed to.

Green and renewable energy is here to stay. A solar generator is one of the best ways to enter into its world, and it can bring a host of different benefits to a wide range of activities in your life.
With the right solar generator, you’ll never need to worry about having a steady stream of energy in places that you may have once struggled to get a flicker of light at all.