Solar panels charges during the day and do this most efficiently in excessive sunlight. In other words, they tend to collect and store more energy with higher sunlight. As a result, solar systems produce more electricity when they get enough sunlight to power the batteries during the day. This raises the question, “what is the best direction and tilt angle for solar panels?” In this post, we will help you determine which way your solar panel should face and how to choose the best spot for your portable solar panels.
Best Direction for Solar Panels
Sufficient sunshine is a crucial requirement for your solar system. Without enough sunshine, they won’t be able to collect enough energy. To this end, the direction your solar panel faces is critical to the amount of sunshine it picks. Here, I will guide you on the best direction to face your solar panels for optimum sunlight.

The roof gets uninterrupted sunlight, making it the best place for solar panels. It is more than a rule of thumb that your solar panel should face true south or true north on the roof, depending on whether your location is in the northern or southern hemisphere. True south or true north refers to the point when the sun is at its highest during the day. It is a tested and trusted solution for optimum sunlight absorption.
South-facing solar panels have proven to be more capable of capturing direct sunlight, and hence when it comes to the orientation of the solar panels, people generally choose the south. But it is not as complicated as it sounds or as you may think. More so, it doesn’t require any formula or mathematical equation to determine true south. Your solar installer will establish a precise direction. If the roof on your property doesn’t face south, you can improvise solutions to draw sufficient energy from the sun.
Mounting the panels on racks in a manner that they face the optimum direction or placing them on a south-facing wall are solutions if your roof faces north. You can figure out other ways to place your panels, like erecting them on the east or west face of the roof, but they must NOT face north.
Solar panels mounted to face east or west has 20% less energy production capacity than if they face south. Regardless, you can still save some money, but if you intend to cover as much electric usage as possible, you may have to place more panels than you budgeted.
If you are left with no other spot to place your solar panel, you should consider the backyard. While your roof may be the best option, given that it receives the most sunlight, your yard is a relatively suitable alternative. Suppose you live in the northern hemisphere and don’t have a south-facing roof. In this case, you can place the panels on the floor in your yard to face the true south. Most people prefer installing their solar panels on the floor because it permits easy access for maintenance and cleaning.
Best Tilt Angle for Solar Panels

Whether you decide on your roof or backyard, your panels must also be suitably slanted in relation to your house’s latitude. As a result, there isn’t a catch-all angle that’s advised. An installer will calculate the precise tilt of your panels. Simply put, the closer you are to the equator, the flatter your tilt, and vice versa.
When the solar panels are installed at the optimum angle, it will increase the energy production rate and therefore improve the efficiency of solar panels.
Solar panels absorb more sunlight when they tilt at an angle where the sun’s rays hit the panel at the most perpendicular angle. Hence, you must be particular about the solar panel angle. The best angle for your solar panel is one that permits the most perpendicular sunlight.
Best Spots to Place Your Portable Solar Panels
Portable solar panels, unlike the aforementioned solar panels, do not require installation. They only need to be placed in an appropriate location to absorb the sun’s energy, but do not forget to follow the rules above. Choosing the best direction and tilt angle. Additionally, your portable solar panels performs best in peak sun hours.

The roof may be the best place to place your portable solar panels. However, it is not the only place. There are several other places within your property you could place your portable panels and get optimum energy production. Below are some of the best spots to place your portable solar panels.
Your Attic
If your property has an attic, you just found another great spot to place your portable solar panels. You may be wondering why the attic is on the list, it’s because it is mostly used for storage. In addition, the attic is one of the rooms in a house that gets the most sunlight.
I like the attic because while it provides you with storage for the batteries, it also serves as a reliable spot for sufficient sunlight. If there are existing electrical services or works in the attic, it makes it easier to set up your portable solar station.
Your Car Roof
Do you own a car? It is the perfect spot for your portable solar panels. This is because it exposes your solar panel to more sunlight than most spots. Just like your house roof, your car roof receives enough sunlight to sufficient for your solar panel to generate optimum solar energy.
Your Garage Top
Aside from your roof, your garage top is a suitable spot to place portable solar panels. Similar to the roof of your house or car, your garage top provides sufficient and uninterrupted sunlight to your solar system. More so, placing solar panels on the top of your garage allows you to generate renewable energy without altering the aesthetic of your home.
However, I don’t recommend you place your solar panels on your garage top if you live in windy areas. This is because they are prone to quick damage on exposure to heavy wind.
Your Perimeter Fence
I bet you never thought of this one. Yes! You can place your portable solar panels around your perimeter fence. Placing your solar panels on the fence around your house allows you to generate more energy than you consume on a daily basis. More so, this spot is more or less a permanent location, as you don’t have to worry about moving them to charge.
Even better, placing your portable solar panels on your fence is an effective method of collecting sufficient sunlight and is easy to place. All you have to do is attach them to the fence to face true south to get adequate sunlight.
On getting to this point, you will find several options to position your solar panel for sufficient sunlight absorption. Solar energy is an effective way to save money on consumption and protect the environment. However, you can save more money and get the most out of your energy consumption if you do it right.